SAGE-N-SEWA is the New Initiative of SAMVAW Foundation
How we enable meaningful impact.

We focus on deep-social, environmental, science, and technology innovations. By leveraging the power of green education and technology, we address climate change calamities and socio-economic issues to create scalable, disruptive, and non-linear impacts.

We are dedicated to empowering passionate and empathetic entrepreneurs who are committed to addressing complex social, economic, and environmental challenges. Our support helps these mission-driven innovators to develop and scale solutions that have a profound impact on our world.

We provide a comprehensive network of technology and business incubators designed to support social entrepreneurs on their journey from mission to market. Our robust incubation network offers the necessary resources and guidance to help innovative ideas flourish into successful social enterprises.

Our dedicated innovation labs are designed to support social entrepreneurs through every step of product development—from design and iterations to testing. These labs provide a focused environment where impactful solutions are nurtured and refined, ensuring they meet the real-world needs of communities.

We are committed to identifying and supporting sustainable business models. Our comprehensive support includes product strategy validation, product lifecycle management, go-to-market execution, pilot support, and seed capital, among other resources.

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We are pioneering a new category of investment—’Social Impact Seed’ capital—focused on empowering early-stage start-ups that are poised to challenge and redefine the traditional risk-and-reward boundaries. Our visionary investments aim to support these innovative ventures, fuelling their growth and impact in the crucial initial phases of their development.


Our mission is to provide the best services.

The SAMVAW Foundation is a Section 8 company in India dedicated to community services in the development sector, strategically focusing on the attainment of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.


Through its innovative initiatives, including the SAGE (Samvaw Academy of Green Education) and SEWA (Samvaw Empowered Women Association) centres, the Foundation collaborates with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and self-help groups (SHGs) at the grassroots level.


Together, they co-create green education programs aligned with SDG 4 – Quality Education, underpinning the global Mission LiFE initiative led by India. This initiative aims to combat climate change and promote sustainable living by mobilizing at least one billion people worldwide to adopt pro-planet practices and reduce their carbon footprint.


SAMVAW Foundation’s operations are built on four pillars: gender equality, design thinking, innovations, and social entrepreneurship. These elements are crucial in driving societal transformation by fostering environments that encourage innovative solutions to tackle some of India’s most pressing issues such as poverty, illiteracy, and gender inequality.


The Foundation seeks and supports social entrepreneurs and innovators who are on a mission to create social, economic, and environmental impact, guiding them from ideation to execution. This support equips them to develop effective solutions that address the complex developmental challenges facing India, thereby facilitating significant positive change in the lives of many.

Great Members: Greater Mission

Our SAMVAW SARTHEES are at the Forefront of Social Innovation: Bridging Indigenous Innovation and Support Ecosystems for Transformative Impact

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The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi launched Mission LiFE at the Statue of Unity, Ekta Nagar, Kevadia, Gujarat during the meeting with UN Secretary-General, H.E. Mr Antonio Guterres. Cngratulatory video messages on the launch of Mission LiFE by the heads of 11 nations representing all regions of the United Nations were also relayed on this occasion.

“Today, we gather here at the Statue of Unity in Ekta Nagar, Gujarat, to launch a transformative movement—the LiFE Movement (Lifestyle for Environment). This initiative, first proposed at COP-26, is an India-led global mass movement that transcends borders and unites us all as pro-planet people.

Mission LiFE is about more than just individual actions; it’s about democratizing the battle against climate change. Climate action cannot be confined to conference tables; it must resonate from the dinner tables in every home. Our lifestyle choices matter, and they impact our planet profoundly.

India, as the world’s largest democracy, takes up this responsibility with determination. We recognize that sustainable progress and nature can coexist harmoniously. Our ancient wisdom — “Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle”—has been ingrained in our lifestyle for centuries.

As we embark on this journey, let us become trustees of the environment, safeguarding it for future generations. Let Mission LiFE inspire collective action, empower communities, and create a greener, more resilient world.

Thank you, and let us march forward as stewards of our planet”!

– Shri Narendra Modi – Prime Minister of India